Do you accept credit cards?
No, we do not accept credit cards. Payment methods are cash or check payments.
Why aren’t you more specific on when our paving will occur?
There are many factors that impact our schedule: First being that we are often scheduled out anywhere from 4-8 months which makes an accurate date difficult to pinpoint. Second, of course, is the weather. There can be days at the beginning of the season that are too cold, as well as rainy days where we are unable to work. In addition to those listed above, sometimes jobs for the upcoming week can increase in size without advanced notice, which then impacts our future schedule.
Do we have to be at home when you pave?
Being at home is not necessary. Someone will be out before the work is done to mark off your job site for the crew. You may choose to be home at that time to go over any concerns you may have.
Do you offer a warranty?
We offer a 2-year warranty on work paved on a stone base and a 1-year warranty on overlay (resurface) work against settling and cracking due to improper installation.
How long do we have to stay off our newly paved area?
Avoid driving on the driveway for 3-5 days after installation during hot summer months, and 2-3 days during cooler months.
How do we avoid tire scuffing?
During the first two years, avoid turning the wheels of your vehicle while it is stationary, especially in warm weather. Asphalt takes time to fully cure and is susceptible to tire scuffing. If parking a trailer or heavy equipment, use blocks under the tires and jack to prevent depression.
Why are my edges cracking?
Backfilling the edges with topsoil and planting grass seed helps prevent erosion over time. A minor crack will probably appear where the topsoil meets the asphalt along the edge, believe it or not this is normal. Simply allowing your newly planted grass to mature and grow over the edge will remedy this.
Why do some areas look smoother than others?
You may notice that some areas on the surface appear smoother than others. This is due to some of the areas being laid by the paver and some raked in by hand. Every attempt is made to try to “blend” the two together.
How long until we can seal our driveway?
A sealer can be applied to the driveway after it has cured for 1-2 years. Sealer will not necessarily help your asphalt surface to last longer, however it will prevent water from penetrating the surface of the asphalt as well as protect against gas and oil spills. It will also provide a smoother, less abrasive surface.
Why are weeds/mushrooms popping through my blacktop?
We will always request that the homeowner sprays the weeds in the area a few weeks prior to our arrival to help prevent this. While every attempt is made to remove all weeds and grass from your driveway prior to paving, on occasion there will be some that have germinated underneath the surface, and they have the potential to come through. This is easily repaired by pouring a herbicide down through the hole where the weed came up and tamping the heaved area back down.